I considered purchasing on release.
But I'm going to have a tough time playing that copy of Demon's Souls until I buy a PS3.
So I have to wait, and play by the rules of Rogers' Video.
The person working there kept trying to close the rental case.
But she couldn't.
Because three discs won't fit into one case.
Which I felt like telling her while I stood there.
But then how would she get a sense of accomplishment from her job?
Final Fantasy introduced me to role-playing games.
Which kind of sealed my fate, really.
It would have been Dragon Warrior.
But my brothers wouldn't let me play it.
Besides, for some reason, at the age of five, I found the music scary.
I have a tattoo of the series' black mage on my ribs.
Well, some of my ribs.
Tattoo ideas don't occur to me.
They dawn on me, like Newton with the apple tree.
"Of course! The black mage!
Who needs sex with women, anyway?"
Well, that depends on how long the series goes on for.

I've been told I have large nipples, gaming community.
But you probably all do as well.
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